Showing Under The Kennel Club
Under the Kennel Club, the Basset Bleu de Gascogne is shown on the Import Breeds Register.
Other Import Breed Register Hounds are:
Black and Tan Coonhound
Grand Bleu de Gasgone
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne
The biggest improvement for those showing Import Register breeds took effect from January 1st 2018 when the dog placed Best Import Register became eligible to go forward to compete in the Group.
KC regulations changed again as of January 1st 2021 when Import Register Breeds became eligible to enter and compete in stakes classes.
General appearance:
Smooth coated, athletic and aristocratic basset. Powerful but not too heavy.
Sagacious, lively hound possessing an excellent nose and a deep and sonorous voice.
Audacious, curious and affectionate but somewhat reserved.
Head and skull:
Wedge-shaped, not too wide, skull domed with a well-defined occipital point. The foreface is long and slightly aquiline. Nose black with wide nostrils.
Oval, preferably dark brown. Sad and gentle expression.
Set below the eyeline, fine, curled in, ending in a point and extending just beyond the tip of the nose when drawn forward.
Strong jaws with a regular scissor bite, ie upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth, teeth and set square to the jaws. Black lips not exaggerated, slightly drooping, covering the lower jaw.
Rather long, slightly arched with dewlaps showing but not excessive.
Forelegs strongly boned, straight or half crooked acceptable. Shoulders well muscled but not heavy, well laid with good slope to upper arm.
Chest deep extending to elbow with prominent sternum. Ribs well rounded. Back long, strong and level. Loin short and strong with slight arch. Can have slight tuck up.
Strong and muscular. Stifles slightly bent and hocks well let down. Rear pasterns parallel when viewed from behind and set in a line under the points of buttocks.
Strong, oval with black pads and nails.
Well set on, carried gaily, sickle fashion but reaching the ground when at rest. Broad at the base tapering to a point.
Balanced and easy with noticeable drive from hindquarters.
Short, dense and not too fine.
Black marked on a white base but covered entirely with black mottling which gives a blue appearance. Two black marks are found on head, covering each ear, enveloping eyes and stopping at cheeks. Above each eye a spot of tan gives breed a 'four-eyed' effect. Tan marks also found on cheeks, flews, inside ears, on legs and under tail. Some hounds completely mottled, but always have required tan marks.
Height at withers 30-38 cms (12-15 ins).